Category Non-Muslims

Jesus, the Messiah

Jesus the Messiah by Dr. Abdullah al-Bader al-Qenaei

Islam regards Jesus the Messiah to be one of the pious men who walked on earth. The Islamic teachings honor this mighty messenger of Allah and the Muslims have not fallen short over the past fourteen centuries in doing the…

Media and Islam: War or Peace

Media and Islam: War or Peace

Islam, today, is the most misunderstood religion. It bears the brunt of misconceptions and hate propaganda. The powerful mass media, aligned to deceitful political and corporate interests, spreads these misconceptions virulently… worldwide. While portraying Islam, integrity and reliability are bypassed by…

Is Terrorism a Muslim Monopoly?

Is Terrorism a Muslim Monopoly?

A great intellectual and analytical response to the modern day propaganda and stereotypes of Muslims created by Media. If any one of you have an ounce of doubt as to if Islam recommends Unjustified violence OR if Jihad allows killing innocent…

Is the Qur’an God’s Word?

Is the Qur’an God’s Word?

Islam is not the name of some unique religion presented for the first time by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who should, on that account be called the founder of Islam. The Qur’an was preserved word for word so that it should be…

All Media is Educational Media

All Media is Educational Media

Disney’s Snow White, Cinderella, even The Little Mermaid seemed like innocent stories to the generations of children who enjoyed them, but now some believe they were turning us all into monsters. Source: Were Disney’s much-loved classics really influencing weak women…